Travel Dates

Travel dating is a great new way to see the World and find a lovely date at the same time, you combine both those good things at the same time, we now have a site we can recommend for just that it is called Offtogether and it is the perfect way to meet someone from […]

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Page Speed and SEO

Increasing your sites speed is an increasingly important factor for Google the leading search engine, if your site is not responsive enough, then two negatitive consequences can be seen. Firstly the page crawl depth in your site will be reduced, which is a big problem if you have a large site with millions of pages […]

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Stemit – stem the flow?

Stemit is an odd sort of name for a British English speaker as it sounds like Stem the Flow as it stopping the flow of blood from a bad injury or something that has been damaged, I am sure that is a very inappropriate reflection of this website as it looks nice and the content […]

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Purevolume of what though?

Purevolume is a new addition to my list of sites I am trialing, its a pleasant looking site with a good and strong following of users together with a generous number of incoming links to it.  I’ve added my post here ,lets see how it does ,I am interested to see if it will start […]

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Post Easy and it was

Post Easy is easy to use and just as it says on the tin allows you to post after just a few short clicks to setup an account.  I like these catchy names and sites that are easy and fun to use.  My post is just over here. The site is clean, clear with good […]

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Atavist at a what?

Atavist is a minimalistic type of site with a plain but pleasent type of layout, I do worry that the Search Engines and users will find it somewhat bland but the type font they use is nice and overall it do find something appealing about it.  So far I have a single post on theirs.   […]

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