Interesting places and pages
Some really good advice from Barclays for a change! I banked with them for years but they were not supportive of my Search business and on the personal side put up the charges on my two Barclaycards I hade with them, both during the credit crunch years. Never forgotten or quite forgiven that from them.
I am not against using them but once you have had a bad experience it is very hard to build back trust or confidence in an bank. As always it could have just been local staff. When I lived in North London I always found the girls in the high streeet branch so nice and friendly.
Never had a lot of time for RBS after they were so off hand with me and my RBS Platinium Visa card. But still there is still some good in them )) Also reading the Bank of England report about the credit crunch is something of a horror story when it comes to RBS, seems they moved into ever more and more risky areas loosing complete track of traditional banking reality.–part-4.html
Maybe they can redeem themselves in the end! The Directors of RBS have a lot to answer for as they partly brought about the crisis which the entire country is paying for via HM Government. Also the Brown Administration must share some of the blame with their light handed approach to regulation which proved only too distasterous as we have now all found out. Who knows where it will all end. But RBS is still state owned and a long way from being sorted out, to think even it was the largest bank in the World at one point!
Other places
Some other interesting pages. Its been years since I had any dealings with Flickr but its great to see we have a page on their site again after all these years. I used them to share holiday snaps for many many years.
Page on Flickr – which is good
Its a good site but the look and feel isn’t as snappy as it was (forgive the pun) given that it showcases photos and cool pics from around the world.
Wikidot page now too!
Video on Pinterest for London Equity Release
Interestingly I found a page on Google, not sure if it is meant to be stuck as a redirect but it shows like that, odd because I have not seen a google page formated in quite that way before. I’ll dig into more and see what I can find out.
Also Our page on Bloglovin is looking nice I made a good post about Transport companies and there is also the RSS feed from Reporting Accounts which is really appealing.